Again influential policing voices are warning of the effects of Tory cuts – Abbott


Diane Abbott MP, Labour’s Shadow
Home Secretary,

responding to Chief superintendent Gavin Thomas’ comments on police funding and
resources, said:

“Once again we see influential
voices from within policing warning of the disastrous effects of the Tories’
continued funding cuts in the face of rising demands on policing services.

“Ministers should finally take
heed of this latest warning and stop asking the police to do more with less.

“It is no surprise morale is low
when frontline officers have seen so many colleagues lose their jobs, while
their own pay has frozen under seven years of Tory austerity.

“You cannot
protect the public on the cheap, which is why Labour has pledged to give
officers the pay rise they deserve and put 10,000 extra bobbies on the beat.”


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