After three rounds of negotiations real progress should have been made – Keir Starmer


Keir Starmer MP, Labour’s Shadow
Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union
, commenting on David Davis and
Michel Barnier’s joint press conference, said:

“After three rounds of
negotiations, real progress should have been made and in principle agreements
reached on all phase one issues. Instead, the two sides appear to be getting
further apart. 

risk of not reaching the October deadline to move on to the main negotiations
is now very real; which increases the risk of Britain leaving with “no deal” in
March 2019.

deal would be the worst possible outcome for the British people.

sides need to redouble efforts and work together to reach a strong Article 50
deal and a close future partnership. If more negotiating sessions need to be
added between now and the October deadline, they should be. Substantive
progress and clear outcomes are urgently needed.”

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