After seven years of funding reductions, forces lack adequate resources to properly invest in technological innovation – Haigh


Louise Haigh MP, Shadow Policing
responding to a think tank report on police forces failing to make effective
use of digital technology, said:

“Digital skills are becoming
increasingly vital in the fight against crime, but technological developments can
only ever provide support to a decision-maker. We will always need the
human element of policing and that has been cut to the bone by this Tory

“After seven years of funding
reductions, forces lack adequate resources to properly invest in technological
innovation and in the training officers need so they can capitalise on the data
and intelligence they already hold.

“This added to the national crisis
in detective numbers is leading to far too many missed opportunities and a
backlog in investigations. The Home Office need to urgently step up and lead a
national strategy for policing on big data innovation.”

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