Advisory Committee on Countryside Conservation established


     The Environment Bureau announced today (June 28) that the Advisory Committee on Countryside Conservation (ACCC) will be established on July 1, 2019 to advise on priorities for conservation and revitalisation works proposals to be carried out by the Countryside Conservation Office (CCO), as well as to advise on policy and operational matters relating to the Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme (CCFS).

     As announced in the Chief Executive's Policy Address in 2017, the Government strives to promote conservation of remote areas in the countryside, thereby protecting the natural ecology, revitalising the architectural environment of villages, and conserving cultural and heritage resources.

     A spokesman for the Environment Bureau said, "To support sustainable and holistic conservation efforts in Hong Kong's remote rural countryside, the CCFS will be set up to provide a dedicated funding source for relevant countryside conservation projects covering ecological conservation, as well as the revitalisation of architectural and cultural heritage according to priorities." 

     Appointed and chaired by the Secretary for the Environment, the ACCC comprises scholars, professionals, rural/district stakeholders, representatives of green groups and representatives of relevant Government departments. The appointment of committee members will take effect on July 1 for a term of two years. The CCO under the Environmental Protection Department will serve as the secretariat to the ACCC.

     The membership and terms of reference of the ACCC are at Annexes A and B respectively.

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