Adjusting operating hours of self-paid designated quarantine hotel taxis

     The operating hours of self-paid designated quarantine hotel (DQH) taxis will be advanced to start from 7am daily to 2am the next day from tomorrow (August 4), a Government spokesman said today (August 3).

     With an increasing number of people arriving at Hong Kong from overseas, the demand for point-to-point transport services from Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) to DQHs keeps rising. In view of the situation, the Government has introduced self-paid DQH taxi services on a trial basis from July 25.

     The spokesman said, "The operation has been generally smooth since the service commencement. There are currently 100 taxis providing services on a trial basis. In view of the increasing number of inbound persons, the Government has decided to advance the start of operating hours from 8am to 7am daily to cope with the demand."

     Inbound persons can choose to go to DQHs by free designated transport service, or self-paid taxi or limousine service according to their personal needs. The Government will continue to monitor the operation of the point-to-point transport services from HKIA to DQHs and make adjustments in a timely manner, having regard to the actual situation and demand.