Additional quarantine hotels for close contacts

     The Government announced today (January 31) that three hotels will be added as quarantine hotels for close contacts of cases tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 virus during the period from February 1 to April 30.  Dorsett Mongkok, Hong Kong and Grand City Hotel will be activated tomorrow (February 1), whereas Dorsett Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong will commence operation on February 10.
     In the light of the increasing numbers of cases tested positive and close contacts that need to be quarantined at quarantine facilities, the Government has activated the Penny's Bay Quarantine Centre, the Lei Yue Mun Park and Holiday Village, Junior Police Call Permanent Activity Centre in Pat Heung, Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre and four quarantine hotels, providing around 5 200 units in total for close contacts and their household contacts.  The additional three quarantine hotels will on top provide a total of around 1 000 units to cope with the recent surge in demand for quarantine facilities.
     Dorsett Mongkok, Hong Kong, Grand City Hotel and Dorsett Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong are currently designated quarantine hotels (DQHs) under the sixth and seventh cycles of the DQH Scheme. With immediate effect, these three hotels temporarily cease operating as DQHs and taking reservations for inbound travellers during the aforementioned period.  Persons currently under quarantine at these three hotels will be arranged in phases to transfer to other DQHs to continue their quarantine in accordance with infection control guidelines.
     A Government spokesman said, "Quarantine is an important and effective measure to prevent the virus from spreading in the community.  We will closely monitor and review the situation of various quarantine facilities every day and make timely adjustments if necessary, so that quarantine facilities could be used for persons with higher risks to the community for preventing the virus from entering the community via these persons."