ACAD launches 10th-round funding exercise of Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme

The following is issued on behalf of the Advisory Committee on Arts Development:

     The Advisory Committee on Arts Development (ACAD) today (December 22) launched the 10th-round funding exercise under the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme (ACDFS).
     Given modern-day technological advancements, the integration of arts and innovation and technology has become a new trend in arts development. A new category, "Arts Technology", has been included in the 10th-round funding exercise with a view to supporting proposals that promote the convergence of arts and technology. Applicants are encouraged to present their artistic vision and aspiration through the use of technology in a creative manner by submitting proposals that exemplify and achieve the four objectives of the ACDFS, namely development of arts practitioners, arts groups, art forms and/or the arts sector; programme/content development; audience building; and arts education.
     The Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Caspar Tsui, said, "We welcome the new initiative of the ACDFS which would strongly help develop and promote arts technology. It will also empower the arts and culture industry to expand the horizons for creativity and to enrich the experience of the audience. As announced in 'The Chief Executive's 2020 Policy Address', I will take the lead in setting up a task force comprising representatives of the Innovation and Technology Bureau, the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau and the Education Bureau to formulate strategies and measures to develop and promote arts technology. We look forward to receiving innovative proposals from the arts and culture industry through the ACDFS."
     The ACDFS provides funding support for innovative and impactful proposals that contribute to the aforesaid objectives. Over 100 successful applications have received funding in the previous nine rounds to implement large-scale and cross-year arts and cultural initiatives, covering various art forms and practices such as performing arts, visual/media arts, multi-disciplinary arts, community arts, arts education/appreciation and arts administration.
     The assessment criteria for applications include artistic/professional merit, creativity and originality, impact on the arts sector and the community, technical feasibility of the proposed initiatives/activities, capacity in financial planning and management, and the management ability of the applicant and the project team.
     The ACDFS will continue to provide two types of grants, namely Springboard Grants and Project Grants. Springboard Grants are matching grants that support arts groups in their overall development, elevating them to a higher level of professional operation. The minimum pledged income or sponsorship of arts groups is $1 million, of which not less than $250,000 has to come from non-government sponsorships and/or private donations. A 200 per cent matching grant up to a maximum amount of $4 million may be provided and the funding period may last for a maximum of two years. Successful applicants with proven performance may apply for a second Springboard Grant up to a maximum amount of $5.5 million with a funding period of three years at most. For a second Springboard Grant, the minimum pledged income or sponsorship of arts groups is $1.5 million, of which not less than $375,000 has to come from non-government sponsorships and/or private donations. It is envisaged that a maximum grant of $9.5 million for two terms of support in five years will help promote the growth of an arts group.
     Project Grants are direct grants which provide successful applicants with funding support up to a ceiling of $3 million to organise large-scale and impactful projects, which may require a longer duration for implementation. The overall expenditure of the proposed activities in an application should be at or above $800,000.
     Online application has been introduced in the 10th-round funding exercise as an alternative to assist the applicants in submission, in addition to delivery by post and by hand. The application period starts today and will close at 6pm on February 17, 2021. The Guide to Application and relevant materials have been uploaded to the website of the Home Affairs Bureau ( Two briefings are scheduled for December 29 and 30. For details and the latest arrangements due to COVID-19, please refer to the above website. The ACAD expects that application results will be released around July 2021.