A UK foreign policy with the rest of the world


Once out of the EU the UK will have more influence worldwide. We will regain our voice and votes on international bodies where the EU currently represents us. We will be able to work more closely with natural allies like Australia and New Zealand, and the wider Commonwealth.

The government has stated its wish to become a pioneer of free trade worldwide, and has found a welcome at the World Trade Organisation now we are converting our membership back to full voting membership. There are ready allies that will see the UK as a good ally giving them more influence on world issues. They will want early Free Trade Agreements with the UK.
The UK as a member of world standards bodies will be able to do more to promote better exchanges of services, which bring with them better understanding between peoples and countries. Collaborating more in the arts of peace and a mutually beneficial commerce could help the world politically as well.

We will remain an important member of NATO, making the largest financial contribution after the USA and supplying essential military capability to the common defence and to the peace keeping and peace making expeditions the Alliance will wish to undertake. The UK will continue to be a leader in global intelligence. working closely with the USA on counter terrorism and related matters.

I would like us to learn from the difficult experiences we have gone through with our Middle Eastern involvements. If the UK wants to have serious influence in the Middle East it needs to spend more time and resource on people with the languages and cultural and political understandings needed. My main take away from Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Syria is there needs to be more political work and less military intervention by the west. It is difficult bombing terrorist groups of fanatics into submission given their mobility, the difficulty of identifying them and the impact your actions can have on recruitment.

Thea UK can also do good work in promoting wider global advances. The UK for example can be a leader in promoting animal welfare, in tackling modern slavery and promoting the English language as a medium for cultural as well as commercial exchange.

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