A female security guard employed by Housing Department’s car park contractor tests positive for COVID-19

     The Housing Department today (August 9) learned that a female security guard employed by its car park contractor was tested positive for COVID-19. The concerned security guard works at Fu Keung Court car park in Wong Tai Sin. She is now staying at hospital for treatment.
     The security guard works at night shift, and is responsible for patrolling and handling enquiries in the shroff office. She last performed duties on August 5.
     She has no recent travel history. She has been wearing a face mask and observing relevant disease prevention measures at work. When performing duties, she has been undergoing temperature checks and her body temperature was normal.
     The whole car park building including the shroff office and the roof top garden has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected in accordance with the guidelines of the Centre for Health Protection (CHP).

     The Housing Department will continue to keep close liaison with the CHP and co-operate with its quarantine work.