A female civilian staff member of Police preliminarily tested positive for COVID-19


     A female civilian staff member who is posted to the Police Headquarters was preliminarily tested positive for COVID-19. She felt unwell recently, therefore sought medical treatment and underwent testing yesterday (December 23). Preliminary results released today (December 24) showed that she was tested positive for COVID-19. She had no travel history over the past 14 days and her work did not involve any contact with members of the public. She wore a mask at work and last attended work on December 22.

     Police are highly concerned and have the following messages for the public:

     (1) While awaiting further assessment and recommendations from the Department of Health (DH), officers that might have come into close contact with the civilian staff member have been arranged to quarantine for observation and undergo tests for the virus;

     (2) Police have immediately deployed staff to clean and disinfect the premises where the civilian staff member works in;

     (3) Police have reminded officers to maintain personal hygiene and reduce social contact to minimise the risk of infection. They should immediately report their cases and consult a doctor if they feel unwell; and

     (4) Police will deploy resources flexibly to ensure the provision of emergency services remains unaffected.

     Police will continue to maintain close communication with the DH and proactively provide information such as the recent duty record of the civilian staff member concerned. Arrangements will be made for close contacts to be conveyed to quarantine centres to undergo quarantine.   

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