A detainee detained at Castle Peak Bay Immigration Centre tested positive for COVID-19

     Immigration Department (ImmD) spokesman today (August 19) responds to media enquiries that ImmD was notified by the Centre for Protection (CHP) last night, a Thai detained at the Castle Peak Bay Immigration Centre (CIC) was tested positive for COVID-19.
     In view of the latest development of the COVID-19 epidemic, all persons newly admitted to CIC will be put under isolation and will undergo deep throat saliva testing.
     The Thai overstayer concerned was arrested by Police on August 16 and was sent to CIC for detention pending prosecution on the same day. The Thai and other three persons newly admitted to CIC were immediately put under isolation and were required to undergo deep throat saliva testing. The four persons concerned had not been in contact with any other detainees in CIC or any members of the public while waiting for the test result. The Thai was confirmed tested positive for COVID-19 on August 18 and was admitted to hospital for treatments.
     The three detainees being isolated with the Thai concerned in the same confinement and the five Immigration staff members who had close contact with the Thai had already been arranged to stay in quarantine centres for quarantine and medical surveillance. The ImmD will proactively co-operate with the CHP's measures of disease prevention and control including arranging COVID-19 testings for all detainees and Immigration staff members at CIC. The ImmD had carried out thorough cleaning and disinfection works for the detention facilities concerned.
     In view of the latest development of the COVID-19 outbreak, ImmD has stepped up various disease prevention measures, including thorough and regular cleaning and disinfection measures at all detention facilities; all ImmD staff members must wear masks when performing duties; requiring all detainees to wear masks when engaging activities; measuring the body temperature of all detainees on a daily basis. In case of any detainee found to have symptoms of fever, medical professionals of the CIC would conduct medical examination immediately. Medical officer on duty will arrange detainees to receive further medical treatments at public hospitals if deemed necessary. CIC will review and update the infection control measures in place regularly to prevent the outbreak of communicable disease and continue to provide a safe environment for all detainees, staff members and visitors.