Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at the Signing Ceremony for Enterprise Participation in Northern Metropolis Development today (November 29):
尊敬的é„é›�雄主任(ä¸å¤®äººæ°‘政府é§�香港特別行政å�€è�¯çµ¡è¾¦å…¬å®¤ä¸»ä»»ï¼‰ã€�é„’å‹�æ�¾å±€é•·ï¼ˆåœ‹å‹™é™¢æ¸¯æ¾³äº‹å‹™è¾¦å…¬å®¤ä¸‰å±€å±€é•·ï¼‰ã€�å�„ä½�å•†ç•Œé ˜è¢–ã€�å�„ä½�嘉賓ã€�å�„ä½�朋å�‹ï¼š
  北部都會å�€é�¢ç©�é�”3è�¬å…¬é ƒï¼Œä½”香港é�¢ç©�三分之一,幅員廣闊,一個早上當然無法盡窺全豹。但å°�於善於洞悉先機ã€�æœ‰å¤§å±€è¦–é‡Žçš„å•†ç•Œé ˜è¢–ï¼Œä¸€å®šçœ‹åˆ°åŒ—éƒ¨éƒ½æœƒå�€ï¼Œæ˜¯ä¸€å€‹å……滿希望ã€�å‰�景亮麗的未來。
  在未來五年,北部都會å�€å°‡æœ‰ç´„6è�¬å€‹ä½�å®…å–®ä½�完工,並將推出新的創新科技用地。å†�é�Žäº”年,新的ä½�å®…å–®ä½�進一æ¥å¢žåŠ 15è�¬å€‹ï¼Œæ��供超é�Ž1 000è�¬å¹³æ–¹ç±³çš„樓é�¢é�¢ç©�作ä¸�å�Œçš„經濟用途。
  å�„ä½�朋å�‹ï¼Œä»Šå¤©æˆ‘們共è�šä¸€å ‚,展示了å°�北部都會å�€ç™¼å±•çš„信心和支æŒ�。
  香港是粵港澳大ç�£å�€çš„ä¸å¿ƒåŸŽå¸‚之一。北部都會å�€ä½�處香港最北部,與內地山水相ä¾�,æ“�有無與倫比的地ç�†å„ªå‹¢ã€‚一河之隔的深圳,是經濟特å�€ã€�全國性經濟ä¸å¿ƒåŸŽå¸‚和國家創新型城市,匯è�šå‰µæ–°è¦�ç´ ï¼ŒåŸ¹è‚²å¤§é‡�æˆ�功和具潛力的ä¼�æ¥ã€‚
  香港與深圳情å�Œæ‰‹è¶³ï¼Œä¸€ç›´å�”å�Œç™¼å±•ï¼Œæˆ‘們會更好利用香港北部的土地資æº�ï¼ŒåŠ å¼·èˆ‡æ·±åœ³çš„äº’è�¯äº’通ã€�優勢互補,為兩地帶來互利共è´�çš„æˆ�果。
  上星期,特å�€æ”¿åºœå…¬å¸ƒäº†ã€Šæ²³å¥—深港科技創新å�ˆä½œå�€é¦™æ¸¯åœ’å�€ç™¼å±•ç¶±è¦�》,勾劃了我們å°�香港園å�€çš„願景ã€�開發ç–略和方å�‘,並æ��出促進深港兩地園å�€ä¹‹é–“,跨境è¦�ç´ æµ�動的便利措施。
  我很高興今天有來自ä¸�å�Œé ˜åŸŸçš„ä¼�æ¥ä»£è¡¨ï¼ŒåŒ…括房地產開發商ã€�創新科技ã€�物æµ�ã€�電訊ã€�æ—…é�Šã€�金èž�ä¼�æ¥ç‰ã€‚北部都會å�€æ“�有廣闊的土地和明確的產æ¥å®šä½�,將為å�„è¡Œå�„æ¥æ��供優質的商機。
Now I would like to address our English-speaking friends. I welcome all of you in coming together to show your support to the development of the Northern Metropolis.
You are here because you believe in Hong Kong, believe in the Northern Metropolis, and believe in the immense opportunities presented by its development.
Hong Kong is a key gateway – a "super connector" and "super value-adder" – between the Mainland market and a world of investors. And the Northern Metropolis is a geographical manifestation of this very important role.
The Northern Metropolis enjoys an unparalleled geographical advantage of seamlessly connecting with Shenzhen, one of the most entrepreneurial and energetic cities on the Mainland.
Shenzhen and Hong Kong, together with Guangzhou, Macao and seven other cities in southern China, form the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). The GBA brings together a population of 86 million and a combined GDP (Gross Domestic Product) that rivals that of the world's 10th-largest economy.
The Loop, an area that straddles across the boundary between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, will be developed into an international innovation and technology hub. With the Loop, and other development areas in the pipeline, the Northern Metropolis will become a region that radiates beyond geographical boundaries.
Taking forward a development of this scale, and gravitas, requires the efforts and resources of all sectors of our community. Yes, the development of the Northern Metropolis will be government-led, but market participation is just as vital.
The private sector could participate in land development by multiple means. We will be trying out a large‑scale land‑disposal approach in three pilot areas: Hung Shui Kiu, Fanling North and San Tin Technopole.
In each of these areas, a relatively large parcel of land will be put to tender. Each parcel will feature elements of commercial values, as well as infrastructure works or government facilities. The three sites are different in scale and components, suiting varying commercial interests and risk appetite. I am confident that this would provide the private sector with a brand-new and efficient way to participate in our development and, in turn, benefit our society as a whole.
Ladies and gentlemen, I look forward to your active participation in the development of the Northern Metropolis. Together, we will realise that bright future for your businesses, for the Northern Metropolis, and for Hong Kong.
  我鼓勵商界從多方é�¢å�ƒèˆ‡åŒ—部都會å�€çš„土地發展,包括承投土地ã€�修訂土地契約ç‰ã€‚政府將會在洪水橋ã€�粉嶺北ã€�新田科技城三個試點,試行「片å�€é–‹ç™¼ã€�模å¼�。æ¯�個片å�€å°‡æ��供具è¦�模的土地進行招標,包括具商æ¥åƒ¹å€¼çš„å…ƒç´ ï¼Œä¾‹å¦‚ç§�人ä½�宅用地,也將包括基礎è¨æ–½æˆ–政府è¨æ–½ã€‚
  這三個試點在è¦�模和組æˆ�上å�„有ä¸�å�Œï¼Œå°‡è¿Žå�ˆä¸�å�Œçš„商æ¥è€ƒæ…®ã€‚政府希望é€�é�Žé€™ç¨®æ–°é–‹ç™¼æ–¹å¼�,為商界æ��ä¾›å�ƒèˆ‡ç™¼å±•åŒ—éƒ½çš„æ–°é€”å¾‘ï¼ŒåŠ é€Ÿç™¼å±•ï¼Œæƒ å�Šæ•´å€‹ç¤¾æœƒã€‚
  今天的活動彰顯特å�€æ”¿åºœæ±ºå¿ƒå¸¶é ˜ç¤¾æœƒå�„ç•Œå’Œå¸‚å ´å�ƒèˆ‡ï¼Œå…±å�Œç™¼å±•åŒ—部都會å�€çš„願景。今天我們共å�Œç°½ç½²çš„æ„�å�‘書,展示我們å°�香港未來充滿信心,支æŒ�å�ƒèˆ‡åŒ—部都會å�€çš„發展。我相信通é�Žæ”¿ã€�商ã€�æ°‘çš„å…±å�ŒåŠªåŠ›ï¼Œæˆ‘們將é�”æˆ�æ›´å¤šå…·ç¶“æ¿Ÿå’Œç¤¾æœƒæ•ˆç›Šçš„å¯¦è³ªæŠ•è³‡å’Œé …ç›®ï¼Œå…±å�Œå¯¦ç�¾åŒ—都願景。
  我ç¥�願大家å�ƒèˆ‡åŒ—部都會å�€ç™¼å±•éµ¬ç¨‹è�¬é‡Œï¼Œåœ¨åº§å�„ä½�å·¥ä½œé †åˆ©ã€‚å¤šè¬�大家ï¼�
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