Following is the speech by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, at the opening ceremony of the 60th Anniversary of the Establishment of China-France Diplomatic Relations – Evolving Cities: Beijing & Paris exhibition today (July 6):
尊敬的潘雲æ�±å‰¯ç‰¹æ´¾å“¡ï¼ˆå¤–交部é§�香港特別行政å�€ç‰¹æ´¾å“¡å…¬ç½²å‰¯ç‰¹æ´¾å“¡ï¼‰ã€�Consul General Drulhe(法國é§�æ¸¯æ¾³ç¸½é ˜äº‹æ�œéº—緹)ã€�èšè€€å®—常委(第å��三屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會委員ã€�民主建港å�”進è�¯ç›Ÿï¼ˆæ°‘建è�¯ï¼‰æœƒå‹™é¡§å•�)ã€�æ�Žæ…§ç�¼å¸¸å§”(第å��四屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會委員ã€�民建è�¯æœƒå‹™é¡§å•�)ã€�陳克勤主å¸ï¼ˆæ°‘建è�¯ä¸»å¸ï¼‰ã€�周浩鼎副主å¸ï¼ˆæ°‘建è�¯å‰¯ä¸»å¸ï¼‰ã€�èšå…†ç’‹æ•™æŽˆã€�å�„ä½�嘉賓ã€�å�„ä½�朋å�‹ï¼š
  今年是ä¸æ³•å»ºäº¤60周年的é‡�è¦�一年。國家主å¸ç¿’近平指出,ä¸æ³•é—œä¿‚çš„ç�¨ç‰¹æ·å�²å¡‘é€ äº†ç�¨ç«‹è‡ªä¸»ã€�相互ç�†è§£ã€�高瞻é� 矚ã€�互利共è´�的「ä¸æ³•ç²¾ç¥žã€�。今年五月,習主å¸å°�法國進行國事訪å•�。ä¸æ³•å…©åœ‹æ‰¿å…ˆå•“後,發表四份è�¯å�ˆè�²æ˜Žï¼Œä¸¦ç°½ç½²è¿‘20é …é›™é‚Šå�ˆä½œæ–‡ä»¶ï¼Œç‚ºå…©åœ‹äº¤æµ�å�ˆä½œæ‰“ä¸‹æ›´å …å¯¦çš„åŸºç¤Žã€‚
  第一是彰顯香港的ç�¨ç‰¹åœ°ä½�。香港在「一國兩制ã€�下,展ç�¾èƒŒé� 祖國ã€�è�¯é€šä¸–界的é…力。香港市民以至å�„地訪客,能在香港這個ä¸è¥¿è–ˆè�ƒçš„國際都會,é€�é�Žä»Šæ¬¡å±•è¦½æ·±å…¥æ·ºå‡ºåœ°èª�è˜ä¸æ³•å…©åœ‹åœ¨60年來如何建立全é�¢æˆ°ç•¥å¤¥ä¼´é—œä¿‚,我èª�為這方é�¢é�žå¸¸æœ‰æ„�義。
  第二是促進香港與法國的關係。ä¸æ³•å…©åœ‹çš„夥伴關係,å°�於促進香港與法國之間的交æµ�å�ˆä½œï¼Œå¸¶æœ‰ç›¸ç•¶çš„啓發性。ä¸æ³•å…©åœ‹ç›¸äº’ç�†è§£ã€�互利å�ˆä½œç‰ç²¾ç¥žï¼Œå�‡å¾ˆåˆ‡å�ˆé¦™æ¸¯èˆ‡æ³•åœ‹åœ¨ç¶“貿ã€�文化ç‰é ˜åŸŸçš„關係。香港è�¯å�Œå»£æ�±çœ�和澳門今年五月在巴黎å�ˆè¾¦çš„經貿å�ˆä½œäº¤æµ�會ã€�æ¯�年在港舉辦的法國五月——é€™äº›é …ç›®æ£æ˜¯å¢žé€²å½¼æ¤ç�†è§£å�Œå�ˆä½œçš„好例å�。我期待雙方繼往開來,深化è�¯ç¹«ã€‚
  第三是拓展愛國主義教育。è¦�åŸ¹é¤Šæ°‘çœ¾çš„æ„›åœ‹æƒ…æ‡·ï¼Œæˆ‘å€‘å¿…é ˆç”¨å¥½è»Ÿæ€§æ‰‹æ³•ï¼Œè®“ä»–å€‘å…ˆèª�è˜åœ‹å®¶ã€�從而èª�å�Œåœ‹å®¶ã€‚國家的外交發展,亦是國情的é‡�è¦�部分。我相信市民é€�é�Žå±•è¦½ï¼Œèƒ½åŠ 深了解祖國的外交æˆ�å°±ï¼Œå¾žè€ŒåŠ å¼·åœ‹æ°‘èº«åˆ†èª�å�Œã€‚
  在這è£�,我代表特å�€æ”¿åºœï¼Œå¤šè¬�民建è�¯å’Œèšæ•™æŽˆç‚ºæˆ‘們帶來這個別具æ„�義的展覽。我ç¥�展覽圓滿æˆ�功,大家身體å�¥åº·ã€�äº‹äº‹é †åˆ©ã€‚
Now, may I say a few words in English.
My thanks to the DAB (Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong) and Professor Tam Siu-cheung for jointly organising this inspiring exhibition to mark the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations.
As President Xi Jinping said this year, the unique history of China-France relations has shaped the "China-France spirit" of independence, mutual understanding, foresight, mutual benefit and win-win co-operation.
In this symbolic year, the two countries issued four joint statements, and signed close to 20 bilateral co-operation documents, to lay a more solid foundation for exchanges and co-operation ahead.
The thematic exhibition here couldn't be timelier, I am pleased to note. It is particularly meaningful for the exhibition to be held in Hong Kong – a city with the unique advantages of enjoying the strong support of the motherland, while being closely connected to the world, thanks to the "one country, two systems" principle.
This exhibition will guide Hong Kong people and other visitors to gain a quick understanding of how China and France developed a comprehensive strategic partnership in the past 60 years.
With diplomacy being an important part of a country's development, Hong Kong people can also deepen their knowledge of the motherland's history and, in turn, strengthen their sense of national identity.
No less important, the partnership between China and France provides valuable insight for the exchanges and co-operation between Hong Kong and France. I have every confidence that the two economies can forge closer ties in trade, culture, and much more, in the spirit of mutual understanding and mutual benefit likewise.
On that note, I wish this exhibition a big success and all of you the best of health, and business, in the year to come. Thank you.
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