Speech by CE at 2024 International Chinese New Year Night Parade (with photos)


     Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at the 2024 International Chinese New Year Night Parade tonight (February 10):
  今日是�年大年�一,我在此先和大家拜年。�喜發財��喜發財�Kung Hei Fat Choy!
  香港是閃耀奪目的�方之�,日夜都繽紛洋溢。明天年�二晚上,新春煙花匯演將閃耀維港的夜空,精彩紛呈,大家��錯�。我歡迎��旅客在香港多留幾天,香港有好�的�有好看的�有好玩的,大家�以在大街�巷City Walk,��以在網紅熱點「打���嘗嘗港�奶茶��蘿油,肯定�以滿載而歸�
     To our friends and visitors from around the world, Happy Chinese New Year! Welcome to Hong Kong's International Chinese New Year Night Parade.
     I am thrilled to be here, with you, for one of the most spectacular, most anticipated, Chinese New Year celebrations in the world. 
     We're all here to welcome the Year of the "Loong". In Chinese culture, the "loong" – people usually call it the dragon – symbolises nobility, good fortune and vitality. It's going to be a year of auspicious opportunities, and dragon-sized blessings for us all!
     And there's no better way to celebrate this first day of the year than with Hong Kong's world party, a night parade filled with fantastic floats, alongside more international performing groups and stars than this sparkling extravaganza has ever seen before.
     And as dazzling, as unforgettable, as this evening promises, it's only the beginning! 
     Tomorrow night, it's the annual Lunar New Year fireworks spectacular, lighting up our Victoria Harbour. And Hong Kong's vibrant, East-meets-West culture, will keep you dragon-dancing, day and night.
     Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy the parade and the parties. Enjoy it all. Only in Hong Kong. 
     Thank you, and have a great Year of the "Loong", of the Dragon!

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