Security Bureau continues to lead Police to pursue legal liability of people who violated National Security Law


     The Security Bureau (SB) today (December 14) expressed continuous and full support to the National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police Force in its effort to bring to justice people who have absconded overseas and allegedly committed offences under the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (National Security Law), and to take law enforcement actions against people who allegedly provided pecuniary assistance to criminals endangering national security. 

     "The National Security Law has extraterritorial effect. The Police have the responsibility to pursue those who have allegedly committed offences under the National Security Law outside Hong Kong. As with the eight persons who have been put on the wanted list earlier, the five persons concerned have fled overseas and allegedly continued to commit offences under the National Security Law. Their malicious acts to endanger national security have been seen through by all, and there is no doubt that they have clearly and seriously endangered national security. As the law enforcement department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region safeguarding national security, the Police are duty bound to put the five persons on the wanted list in accordance with the law and the action is fully justified," a spokesman for the SB said.

     "No matter how countries and politicians harbouring these absconders unreasonably smear the action, the Police will continue to take all necessary measures steadfastly and fearlessly to prevent, suppress and impose punishment for acts and activities endangering national security in accordance with the law, upholding the principle that 'laws are observed so as to bring offenders to account', with a view to safeguarding national security," the spokesman continued.

     The SB spokesman also reiterated in an appeal to members of the public that "Fugitives who have fled overseas have been advocating law-defying ideas through different channels and by various means, and inciting members of the public to support, fund or even take part in activities endangering national security involving the fugitives and their accomplices. Members of the public should discern facts from fallacies and not to be abetted by these absconders and their accomplices to avoid assuming criminal liabilities. The SB, together with the law enforcement agencies, will continue to take measures in accordance with the law to stop those absconders from continuing to conduct acts and activities endangering national security, and bring these absconders and their accomplices, as well as people who provide pecuniary or other financial assistance to them, to justice."

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