Housing Bureau adjusts application requirements for Category A tenants of Transitional Housing to promote fertility


     To promote fertility and create a childbearing environment, the Housing Bureau (HB) will adjust the application requirement for Category A tenants of Transitional Housing starting today (December 1). Families with newborns, who have been waiting for traditional public rental housing (PRH) for two years (the general requirement is three years), will be considered as eligible Category A tenants.
     Families/persons currently waiting for traditional PRH for less than three years are Category B tenants of Transitional Housing. With effect from today, the PRH waiting time requirement is shortened by one year for families with newborns on or after October 25, 2023, i.e. those who have been waiting for traditional PRH for two years will be eligible for applying Category A tenant; the existing eligibility requirement (i.e. waiting for traditional PRH for three years) for Category A tenant will remain unchanged for other applicant families/persons. The families with newborns are required to submit applications for transitional housing with the baby under one year of age.
     For information on the application for transitional housing, please visit www.hb.gov.hk/eng/policy/housing/policy/transitional/tenantapplications.html. For enquiries, please call the Task Force on Transitional Housing under the HB on 3611 8156.
     Organisations operating transitional housing should allocate not less than 80 per cent of the units in a project to Category A tenants. Meanwhile, organisations may formulate detailed criteria targeting at specific groups of applicants having regard to their service features and reserve not more than 20 per cent of the units for other categories of applicants (i.e. Category B tenants). The HB anticipated the above measures would help families with newborns in need break away from the difficulties swiftly and have a better quality of life.

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