Civil Service College and Peking University’s joint programme holds lecture on Chinese Path to Modernisation under the New Era (with photos)


     The Civil Service College (CSC), in collaboration with the Institute for Hong Kong and Macau Studies, Peking University, launched an in-depth programme on "one country, two systems" and the contemporary China. As part of the programme, a lecture on the topic of "Chinese Path to Modernisation under the New Era" was delivered by Professor Cheng Meidong of the School of Marxism of Peking University at the CSC today (November 21).
     President Xi Jinping pointed out clearly in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) that Chinese modernisation is socialist modernisation pursued under the leadership of the CPC. It contains elements that are common to the modernisation processes of all countries, but it is more characterised by features that are unique to the Chinese context.
     Addressing the lecture, the Head of the CSC, Mr Oscar Kwok, stressed that the features of Hong Kong that are unique to the Chinese context are indeed the "one country, two systems" principle that Hong Kong enjoys. It is due to this "two systems" principle that Hong Kong holds distinctive advantages over other cities in the country, enjoying the strong support of the motherland and maintaining close connection to the world. Therefore, as civil servants of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, they must proactively support the country's international exchanges and co-operation, and foster cultural exchanges in their respective roles. At the same time, they should actively assist with Hong Kong's integration into the overall national development, and dovetail with national strategies including the National 14th Five-Year Plan, the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative. By doing so, Hong Kong can contribute significantly to the modernisation of the country on all fronts.
     Around 70 civil servants at the rank of Directorate Pay Scale Point 1 and 2 attended the in-depth programme. In addition, about 80 politically appointed officials and other directorate officers enrolled and sat in the lecture via video conferencing.
     The programme was organised to further strengthen training for senior officials and directorate civil servants. It consists of 12 monthly lectures covering a wide range of topics, such as the CPC and the contemporary China, socialism with Chinese characteristics, the theory and practice of "one country, two systems", as well as developments in contemporary Chinese society, economy, national defence, technology, and more. Distinguished scholars from the Mainland will deliver the programme and engage in in-depth discussions with participants.

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