Following is the speech by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, at the Hong Kong Talent Engage Office Opening Ceremony today (October 30):
  大家好。今日很開心與大家共è�šä¸€å ‚,出å¸ã€Œé¦™æ¸¯äººæ‰�æœ�務辦公室ã€�開幕禮。
  香港é�ŽåŽ»é›–然經æ·äº†ã€Œé»‘æš´ã€�和世紀疫情,但憑ç�€è‡ªèº«æ·±åŽšæ ¹åŸºï¼Œåœ¨ã€Œä¸€åœ‹å…©åˆ¶ã€�下集çµ�ä¸åœ‹å„ªå‹¢å’Œç’°ç�ƒå„ªå‹¢ï¼Œä½œç‚ºäººæ‰�之都的地ä½�ä¾�然穩固。
  為了增強香港發展動能,本屆政府大膽創新,制定出一系列「æ�¶äººæ‰�ã€�措施,包括去年年底æˆ�立「人æ‰�æœ�務窗å�£ã€�線上平å�°ã€�æ–°è¨ã€Œé«˜ç«¯äººæ‰�通行è‰è¨ˆåŠƒã€�ï¼Œä¸¦å°±å¤šé …ç�¾è¡Œäººæ‰�入境計劃「拆牆鬆ç¶�ã€�,主動ç©�極從世界å�„地å�¸ç´�人æ‰�來港。
  我們的æˆ�績有目共ç�¹ã€‚今年首ä¹�個月,å�„é …è¼¸å…¥äººæ‰�計劃已共收到約å��å…è�¬å®—申請,當ä¸è¶…é�Žå��è�¬å®—ç�²æ‰¹ã€‚ç´„å…è�¬å��人æ‰�至今已ç�²æ‰¹ç°½è‰ä¾†æ¸¯ï¼Œæ•¸å—é� 超我們所定的KPI(績效指標),å�³æ¯�年引入至少三è�¬äº”å�ƒå��人æ‰�。
  隨ç�€è¶Šä¾†è¶Šå¤šçš„人æ‰�ä¾†æ¸¯ï¼Œè¡Œæ”¿é•·å®˜åœ¨ä¸Šæ˜ŸæœŸç™¼è¡¨ä»»å…§ç¬¬äºŒä»½ã€Šæ–½æ”¿å ±å‘Šã€‹ï¼Œå®£å¸ƒæˆ�立實體「人æ‰�æœ�務辦公室ã€�。辦公室今日æ£å¼�投入é�‹ä½œï¼Œæ£æ£æ˜¯æˆ‘們ç�€åŠ›ã€Œæ�¶äººæ‰�ã€�留人æ‰�ã€�çš„å�¦ä¸€å€‹é‡Œç¨‹ç¢‘。
  環顧全ç�ƒï¼Œäººæ‰�çˆå¥ªæˆ°ä¾�ç„¶æ¿€çƒˆã€‚ä»Šå¹´ã€Šæ–½æ”¿å ±å‘Šã€‹å†�下一城,繼續全力貫徹「æ�¶äººæ‰�ã€�留人æ‰�ã€�ï¼Œå¤šé …æŽªæ–½åŒ…æ‹¬æ“´å¤§ã€Œé«˜ç«¯äººæ‰�通行è‰è¨ˆåŠƒã€�大å¸å��å–®ã€�æ”¾å¯¬ç°½è‰ ï¼Œä»¥è‡³ç‚ºå¤–ä¾†äººæ‰�çš„ç½®æ¥å�°èŠ±ç¨…實施「先å…�後徵ã€�措施ç‰ã€‚
  我充滿信心,「香港人æ‰�æœ�務辦公室ã€�連å�Œå�„é …ã€Œæ�¶äººæ‰�ã€�留人æ‰�ã€�æŽªæ–½ï¼Œå°‡æœ‰åŠ©å¼•é ˜é¦™æ¸¯æˆ�為國際人æ‰�樞ç´�,為國家高質é‡�發展作出新貢ç�»ã€‚
Now, may I say a few words in English. Today's opening of the Hong Kong Talent Engage office marks a new milestone of the current-term Hong Kong Government's all-out effort to attract talent from around the world.
Our effort made last year includes not only enhancement to various existing talent admission schemes, but also a newly introduced Top Talent Pass Scheme that targets high-income professionals and graduates from top-notch universities.
Our effort further includes the launch of an online platform for Hong Kong Talent Engage to facilitate talent's understanding of our city, and enrolment for their interested admission schemes.
The results so far have been very encouraging. In the first nine months since our new measures were introduced, we received some 160 000 applications in total under our various talent admission schemes.
Over 100 000 of the applications have been approved, and around 60 000 talents have got their visas approved to come to Hong Kong. In other words, we have far exceeded our KPI (key performance indicator) of drawing at least 35 000 talents per year.
As the Chief Executive announced in his second Policy Address last week, the Hong Kong Government will open the physical office of Hong Kong Talent Engage.
That is alongside some other new measures, like expanding the coverage of universities under the Top Talent Pass Scheme, in a bid to further expand Hong Kong's talent pool.
Our Hong Kong Talent Engage office will launch publicity, and offer "one-stop-shop" support, to attract talent and facilitate their settlement, together with their family members, in our city.
The office will also partner with different organisations, as well as the Dedicated Teams for Attracting Businesses and Talents under the Government's Mainland and overseas offices, to get the needed information and services for the incoming talent.
I have every confidence that, together with our various targeted measures, the Hong Kong Talent Engage office will help strengthen our city's status as an international talent hub and, in turn, contribute to the motherland's high-quality development.
On that note, I wish you all the best of business, and health, in the year to come. Thank you.
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