Strive and Rise Programme starts recruiting second cohort


     The enhanced Strive and Rise Programme has started recruiting the second cohort today (October 27) to provide focused support for more secondary students from underprivileged families.

     As announced in "The Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address", the second round of the Strive and Rise Programme will include such new elements as: increasing the number of mentees from 2 800 to 4 000, with an extension to cover Secondary Four students from underprivileged families; enriching the variety of group activities with more Mainland study and exchange tours; introducing mentorship groups; and establishing an Alumni Club for mentees who have completed the Programme to provide them with diversified social activities and internship opportunities.

     Secondary One to Secondary Four students from underprivileged families, particularly those living in sub-divided units, may approach their schools or the non-governmental organisations that assist the Government in implementing the Programme (see Annex) for enquiries and application starting from today. Applications will close on November 16.

     The Programme is formulated and implemented by an interdepartmental task force led by the Chief Secretary for Administration. Through tripartite collaboration among the Government, the business sector and the community, the Programme provides focused support for Secondary One to Secondary Four students from underprivileged families, particularly those living in sub-divided units. The Programme comprises three key elements, namely mentorship, personal development plans and financial support. Each mentee will be paired with a volunteer mentor who will share his/her life experience, inspire the mentee to explore more possibilities for personal development, assist the mentee in improving self-confidence, and encourage the mentee to set personal goals in a proactive and positive manner.

     In addition, the mentors will assist the mentees in developing positive financial planning concepts and provide guidance on ways to make good use of the start-up financial support of $5,000 provided by the Programme to take forward their personal development plans. Upon successful completion of the Programme, a scholarship of $5,000 will be awarded to the mentees for their personal pursuits by applying the financial planning concepts that they have learned. 

     Through a structured programme covering orientation, basic training, diverse group activities, mentor-mentee interactive sessions, etc, the Programme will help mentees broaden horizons, reinforce self-confidence, develop a positive outlook on life, set goals for the future and strive for upward mobility. Upon successful completion of the one-year intensive foundation programme, mentees will automatically become members of the Alumni Club for two years.

     For more information about the application details of the second round of the Programme, please visit the designated website:

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