“Night Vibes District Council Election” activities


     To promote the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election (DCOE) and enable members of the public to understand the importance of improving the district governance system and reforming the District Councils (DCs) are related to the good governance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), good community life, and a better living and working environment for all citizens, the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau (CMAB) will set up a promotional booth themed "Night Vibes District Council Election"at the "Waterfront Carnival" in Wan Chai starting from today (October 21) for three consecutive nights, with a view to reaching out to members of the public face-to-face about the benefits brought by the improved district governance system and the reformed DCs in a lively way, and encouraging general public as well as individuals who are dedicated to district services, patriotic and have an affection for Hong Kong to actively participate in this election.

     The "Night Vibes District Council Election" booth will feature interactive game and briefing, with promotional pamphlets and souvenirs distributed, so as to allow citizens to learn more about the District Council Election and matters related to the improved district governance system. A "check-in" spot will also be set up for participants to take photos. Apart from the "Night Vibes District Council Election" booth, a series of activities will also be held at the "Waterfront Carnival", including music and dance performances, film screenings, special workshops, art exhibitions, as well as stalls selling different products, snacks and drinks.

     A spokesman for the CMAB said, "176 District Committees constituency members and 88 District Council geographical constituency members will be returned in the 2023 DCOE. The reformed DCs will comprise capable people from different sectors and professions who are patriotic and have an affection for Hong Kong, assisting the Government to collect views and formulate policies that better meet the needs of citizens and thus enhancing the efficacy of district governance of the HKSAR. The new DCs will be more prominent in terms of its broad representation, political inclusiveness, balanced participation, fair competition, which are advanced and superior.

     The spokesman also said, "This election is the first large-scale territory-wide election being held after the reform of the DCs and improving the district governance system of the HKSAR, and is of particular significance. The Government will proactively go into the community to make the public understand that improving the district governance system is related to the well-being of the citizens and is essential to good governance of the HKSAR, and a better living and working environment for all citizens, so that they will support the new system and cast their votes on the polling day."

     In addition, the CMAB will launch a series of "District Council Election into the Community" publicity activities starting from late October. Parent-child workshops, exhibitions and interactive games will be set up in places with heavy pedestrian flow such as shopping malls in various districts. Mobile resource centres and game booths will also be arranged to tour different districts to promote the new DCs and encourage the public to actively participate in the District Council Election.

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