Revised Control List under Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations to take effect on November 1


     The Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations (Amendment of Schedules 1 and 2) Order 2023 (Order) will come into effect on November 1. The Order updates the control list of strategic commodities set out in the Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations (Cap. 60, sub. leg. G) (Regulations) to reflect the changes adopted by leading international non-proliferation regimes with respect to the technologies and items under control as well as the control thresholds. At the same time, the Order extends the import, export, transhipment and transit control stipulated in the Regulations to articles regulated under the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).
     The control list of strategic commodities in Hong Kong mirrors the control lists adopted by the Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies, the Nuclear Suppliers Group, the Missile Technology Control Regime, the Australia Group, and the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction.
     Also, with the accession of the country to the ATT as a State Party, the Central People's Government has extended the application of the ATT to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under Article 153 of the Basic Law. After the Order comes into effect, the articles regulated under the ATT can be covered by Hong Kong's control list of strategic commodities.
     The Government updates the control list in a timely manner to ensure that Hong Kong's control system is in line with international standards, which is vital to the trade in doing import/export businesses with foreign trading partners and licensing authorities.
     The Trade and Industry Department has informed the trade of the amendment details through trade circular and the department's website ( Enquiries can be made to the Strategic Trade Controls Branch of the department by telephone at 2398 5587 or by email at

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