Re-appointment of Panel Judge under Interception of Communications and Surveillance Ordinance


     The Government announced today (October 13) that the Chief Executive, on the recommendation of the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal, has re-appointed Mr Justice Poon Siu-tung, a Judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court, as a Panel Judge under the Interception of Communications and Surveillance Ordinance (Chapter 589) (the Ordinance) for another term of three years from October 25, 2023 to October 24, 2026.
     The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, said, "I am grateful to Mr Justice Poon Siu-tung for his full dedication in handling the law enforcement agencies' applications for authorisations under the Ordinance during the past three years. I am confident that he, on re-appointment, will continue to work with the other two Panel Judges, Mr Justice Barnabas Fung Wah and Madam Justice Lisa Wong Kwok-ying, to make use of their expertise and experience to ensure the effective operation of the regulatory regime under the Ordinance."
     The Ordinance provides a comprehensive statutory framework for regulating the conduct of interception and covert surveillance by law enforcement agencies, and aims to strike a balance between maintaining law and order and protecting the privacy rights of individuals. Under the Ordinance, Panel Judges shall consider applications for authorisations of interception and Type 1 surveillance and for device retrieval warrants.

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