New round of Electricity Charges Relief Scheme (2024-2025) to begin in January 2024


     To alleviate the impact of tariff increase on households during the transition to a low-carbon future, monthly electricity charges relief of $50 will be provided to each eligible residential electricity account during January 2024 to December 2025 under the new round of Electricity Charges Relief Scheme (ECRS) (2024-2025).
     Starting from January 2024, the Government will credit the relief of $50 to each residential electricity account with CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (CLP) or the Hongkong Electric Company, Limited (HK Electric) in existence on the first day of each month for 24 consecutive months. The credits can only be used for the purpose of offsetting billed charges for electricity consumed under the same account and will reduce the amount demanded in the electricity bills issued by the power companies to their residential customers. Any unused credit in a month can be carried forward to cover billed electricity charges under the same account up to the expiry date of December 31, 2025, or the close of the account, whichever is earlier.
     The current round of ECRS (2019-23) will come to a close on December 31, 2023. All unused credit will not be carried forward to the new round of ECRS.
     The credits under the relief scheme will be reflected in the electricity bills for residential accounts with the two electricity companies. Users may contact CLP's Customer Service Hotline on 2678 2678 or HK Electric's Customer Service Hotline on 2887 3411 for enquiries about account matters. More details of the relief scheme can be found at
     This relief measure is expected to involve government expenditure of about $3.5 billion and benefit around 2.9 million eligible households.

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