EDB launches e-Platform for Registered Teacher Information


     The Education Bureau (EDB) today (September 28) launched the e-Platform for Registered Teacher Information to facilitate relevant Registered Teachers' (RTs) submissions of teacher registration-related information. The information should be submitted on or before November 24 for the EDB's compilation and updating of the Electronic Register for Registered Teachers.
     In accordance with the prevailing requirements, RTs should notify the Teacher Registration Team of the EDB within one month of any changes in personal particulars, including the correspondence address and phone number. RTs holding teaching positions in publicly funded schools, kindergartens, international schools and private schools offering a formal curriculum can submit teacher registration-related information to the EDB through schools or the EDB e-Services Portal.
     Other RTs (i.e. relevant RTs), including (1) RTs not serving in the aforementioned schools and (2) RTs serving in schools not having submitted relevant information through the school; and/or without access to the EDB e-Services Portal, can now use the newly launched e-Platform for Registered Teacher Information to submit personal particulars conveniently and speedily in compliance with relevant requirements. Additionally, they can access the EDB's electronic services more conveniently should they be employed by schools in the future.
     An EDB spokesman said, "To ensure the appointed teaching staff are fit and proper persons for employment, the EDB requires schools to seek consent of the applicants and apply to the EDB for enquiring about their registration status before confirmation of the appointments. Upon the initial completion of the information collection process through the e-Platform for Registered Teacher Information at the end of 2023, the EDB will compile the Electronic Register for Registered Teachers according to the information collected from the e-Platform, schools and the EDB e-Services Portal. By then, when schools apply to the EDB for enquiring about teacher registration information during an appointment process, the EDB will only conduct checking based on the Electronic Register for Registered Teachers."
     The spokesman calls on relevant RTs to submit or update information through the e-Platform for Registered Teacher Information as early as possible to enable schools to receive expedited notifications of the teacher registration information enquiry results from the EDB should they apply for teaching positions in the future, thereby making the recruitment process smoother.
     When reviewing a teacher's registration status, the EDB will take further action or make a decision in respect of the teachers' registration status without considering their representations if the EDB fails to serve the relevant letters (including inviting representations from the teachers, and informing them of the follow-up actions or decisions) to the teachers according to the latest correspondence address provided. 
     Details on updating personal particulars of RTs are available on the EDB webpage (www.edb.gov.hk/en/teacher/qualification-training-development/qualification/teacher-registration/index.html). The e-Platform for Registered Teacher Information can be accessed via pub-ef-edis.edb.gov.hk/edis/ef-tim/home?funcId=eftr06. RTs should log in through the link on the EDB website and stay alert to suspicious hyperlinks and websites.  

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