Suspect returned to Hong Kong Police Force


     The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) received a 34-year-old male suspect from the Mainland authorities at the Shenzhen Bay Port today (August 22). The man was in suspected connection with a “conspiracy to commit arson� case in Wan Chai on September 30, 2019.

     After Police investigation, the man was charged with one count of “conspiracy to commit arson with intent� and an alternative charge of “possessing anything with intent to destroy or damage property�. The man suspectedly fled Hong Kong and was arrested by the Mainland authorities in Mainland waters in August 2020. He was absent for mention at the District Court on September 8, 2020, and an arrest warrant was issued against him by the Court.

     The man was returned to HKPF after conclusion of legal proceedings by the Mainland authorities. The case is handled by Commercial Crime Bureau and the National Security Department. The man will be arranged to appear at the District Court tomorrow (August 23).

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