HKETONY presents popstar Anson Kong and directors Nate Ki and Anastasia Tsang as new generation Hong Kong film talents to New York (with photos)


     The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in New York (HKETONY) welcomed popstar Anson Kong, and film directors Nate Ki and Anastasia Tsang, who were in town for the New York Asian Film Festival (NYAFF) today (July 25, New York time).

     Ki's suspense horror Back Home, featuring Kong, made its world premiere at Film at Lincoln Center this evening. This film was also nominated for the Uncaged Award for Best Feature Film Competition of the NYAFF this year, with results to be announced at the festival finale on July 30.

     The Director of the HKETONY, Ms Candy Nip, introduced Kong and Ki to the New York media at a press conference this afternoon. "Nate and Anson represent a new generation of artists striving to attempt more diversified film genres in Hong Kong. Back Home is supported by the Film Production Financing Scheme (Relaxation Plan) of the Hong Kong Film Development Council. It is a great example of collaboration among the creative industry, the market and the Government," said Ms Nip.

     Other than Back Home, the Hong Kong Panorama of the NYAFF presented eight other Hong Kong productions, including Tsang's A Light Never Goes Out. "From action to drama to horror movies, this season's line up represents the breadth of film talents in Hong Kong. We look forward to sharing more of our works with New York audience," Ms Nip added.

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