Applications for Sale of Home Ownership Scheme Flats 2023 and White Form Secondary Market Scheme 2023 to commence from July 31 onwards (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority:

     The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) announced today (July 20) that the Sale of Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) Flats 2023 (HOS 2023) and the White Form Secondary Market Scheme (WSM) 2023 (WSM 2023) will open for applications for two weeks, starting from 8am on July 31 until 7pm on August 14. The application fee will be $270 for the HOS 2023 only, $230 for the WSM 2023 only and $500 for both.

    The following categories of flats will be put up for sale under the HOS 2023:

(1) New HOS Flats

     A total of 9 154 HOS flats in six new developments, namely Kai Yuet Court in Kai Tak, On Ying Court, On Lai Court and On Wah Court in Kwun Tong, Siu Tsui Court in Tuen Mun and Long Tin Court in Yuen Long. Details in the Annex. 

(2) Rescinded HOS Flats for resale

     Around 50 rescinded flats from Kam Chun Court (in Ma On Shan) and Kai Cheung Court (in Diamond Hill) sold under the HOS 2020; Yu Nga Court (in Tung Chung) and Yu Tak Court (in Sha Tin) sold under the HOS 2022 as well as any additional rescinded flats from the above four HOS developments as identified up to about two months before commencement of flat selections.

(3) Recovered Tenants Purchase Scheme (TPS) Flats (for Green Form (GF) applicants only)

     At the meeting on June 16, 2023, the Subsidised Housing Committee (SHC) of the HA endorsed regularising the sale of recovered TPS flats, and a new batch of recovered TPS flats will be put up for sale under the HOS 2023. The final number and detailed flat list is to be drawn up around three months before the flat selections of the HOS 2023. 

     When it comes to an eligible applicant's turn for a flat selection under the HOS 2023, he/she may select an HOS flat or a recovered TPS flat (for GF applicants only) subject to the availability of flats.

     The average selling prices of the six new HOS developments and the rescinded flats for resale will be at a 38 per cent discount from the assessed market value, i.e. for sale at 62 per cent of assessed market values. The existing pricing mechanism for sitting tenants purchasing their TPS flats (i.e. the Adjusted Replacement Cost approach) will be adopted for sale of recovered TPS flats to GF applicants. As at May 2023, the list prices of the unsold TPS flats in the 39 estates range from about $140,000 to $1,230,000, and the discounts range from 82 per cent to 86 per cent of assessed market values. The final price range will depend on the recovered TPS flats that will be put up for sale under this sale exercise. 

     "Starting from the application commencement date of the HOS 2023, we will tighten the eligibility criteria for GF applicants for purchase of Subsidised Sale Flats (SSFs). Public Rental Housing tenants and Rental Estate tenants of the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) who apply to purchase SSFs as GF applicants should not have owned domestic properties in Hong Kong during the period from 24 months preceding the closing date for submitting the application up to the time of purchase. In addition, Fixed-Term licensees of the HA will no longer be eligible for purchasing SSFs as GF applicants. If the relevant Fixed-Term licensees fulfil the relevant eligibility, they can still apply to purchase SSFs as White Form applicants," a spokesman for the HA said. 

     As for the WSM 2023, the SHC today (July 20) approved the relevant arrangements. Taking into account the demand for WSM quotas, the utilisation rate and the need to avoid creating unnecessary upward pressure on the sale prices of HOS flats in the secondary market, the SHC decided to maintain the quota for the WSM 2023 at 4 500, with the allocation ratio for family and one-person applicants to be kept at 9:1. The eligibility criteria for White Form applicants of the HOS 2023, including the income and asset limits as well as restrictions on domestic property ownership, etc will continue to be applicable to the WSM 2023.

     The WSM 2023 and the HOS 2023 will be launched together. One application form will continue to be used to cover the two schemes. Applicants may choose to apply for the HOS or the WSM only, or both. Separate balloting will be conducted to determine the priority for flat selection for the HOS 2023 and quota allocation under the WSM 2023.

     "We will continue to provide online applications (including e-applications, e-payments and e-notifications), in addition to the paper submission channels (paper form, either in person or by post) for the HOS 2023 and the WSM 2023. Applicants are recommended to submit online applications," the spokesman said.

     Application forms and application guides for the HOS 2023 and the WSM 2023, sales booklets of new HOS developments, together with sales leaflets for rescinded HOS flats and recovered TPS flats will be available on the designated website of the HA for the HOS 2023 and the WSM 2023, while printed copies can be obtained during opening hours from the Housing Authority Customer Service Centre (HACSC) in Lok Fu, the office of the HA's Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme Sales Unit, estate offices and District Tenancy Management Offices of the HA, rental estate offices of the HKHS and the Home Affairs Enquiry Centres of the Home Affairs Department starting from July 24. Members of the public are reminded to check the opening hours before visiting.

     Doll houses of typical flats and project models on the new HOS developments, virtual videos of samples of HOS flats, photos and virtual reality tours of the interior of samples of recovered TPS flats, exhibition panels and other information on HOS developments and TPS estates will be available for public viewing at the HACSC in Lok Fu and on the HA/Housing Department's (HD) designated websites starting from July 24 and up to the end of the application period.  

     "Sales brochures (and sales pamphlets for recovered TPS flats) covering greater details and price lists will be made available for public collection and viewing on the HA/HD's designated websites starting seven days before commencement of the flat selection period. During the flat selection period, photos and video clips of the interiors of all recovered TPS flats for sale will be provided at the HACSC in Lok Fu and on the HA/HD's designated websites. We will make arrangements with relevant stakeholders to facilitate the viewing of the recovered TPS flats put up for sale under the HOS 2023 as far as practicable," the spokesman said. 

     Each person can only be listed in one application form for the same scheme (whether for paper-based or online applications), otherwise the applications will be regarded as duplicates. Any case of duplicate applications will render all applications null and void, and the application fee paid is non-refundable and non-transferrable under all circumstances. Details are set out in the application guides. 

     Balloting exercises are expected to be held in the fourth quarter this year for the HOS 2023 and the WSM 2023 separately. Flat selections for the HOS 2023 and the issuance of approval letters to successful applicants under the WSM 2023 are expected to start from the first quarter 2024.

     "Members of the public are encouraged to browse the websites of the HOS 2023 ( and the WSM 2023 (, and are reminded to read carefully the application guide for the respective schemes before submission of applications. They may call the 24-hour HA Sales and WSM Hotline at 2712 8000 on matters concerning applications for the HOS 2023 and the WSM 2023. Applications submitted before or after the application period will not be accepted," the spokesman said. 

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