Dragon Boat Race in Switzerland’s biggest public festival (with photos)


     The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Berlin (HKETO Berlin), sponsored the Dragon Boat Race of the Züri Fäscht (Zurich Festival) which took place from July 7 to 9 (Zurich time). Held every three years in Zurich, the Züri Fäsch is Switzerland's biggest public festival with over 2.5 million visitors.

     At the award ceremony on July 8, the Head of Public Relations of the HKETO Berlin, Ms Stephanie Pall, congratulated the athletes for their outstanding performance and presented trophies to the winning teams. The HKETO Berlin also hosted a booth at the venue to promote Hong Kong to local visitors and athletes. "It is a pleasure to see how many sports fans and families enjoyed the thrilling competitions on the water, as well as culinary and musical highlights of the event," Ms Pall said.

     Ms Pall invited the audience to visit Hong Kong and said, "With the pandemic finally behind us, Hong Kong is fully open again and all kinds of sports activities have resumed. It is time to plan your trip to Hong Kong next year to join the Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races!"

     The HKETO Berlin will also sponsor this year's dragon boat races at the Berlin City Cup, taking place on September 9 and 10, 2023 in Berlin, Germany. For details on the upcoming events of the HKETO Berlin, please visit www.hketoberlin.gov.hk/en/events/

About HKETO Berlin

     HKETO Berlin is the official representative of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in commercial relations and other economic and trade matters in Switzerland as well as Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. 

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