CMAB and HYAB continue to brief association representatives on proposals to improve governance at district level (with photo)


     Since the Government's announcement of the proposals on improving governance at the district level on May 2, the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Erick Tsang Kwok-wai, and the Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Miss Alice Mak, have been actively carrying out explanatory and publicity work for various sectors. The two Directors of Bureaux today (June 2) explained the proposals on improving governance at the district level to representatives of the New Territories Association of Societies and the Federation of Hong Kong Shenzhen Associations, and had in-depth discussions and exchanges with them.

     Mr Tsang and Miss Mak said that the majority of the public support the proposals and endorse the three guiding principles of the proposals: national security must be put as the topmost priority and the "one country, two systems" principle must be fully and faithfully implemented; the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong" must be fully implemented; and executive-led governance must be manifested with firm control of governance at the district level and grooming strong and able service teams to increase the capability to mobilise the community.

     The two Directors of Bureaux also mentioned that the reformed District Councils (DCs) will revert to their positioning as district advisory and service organisations in accordance with Article 97 of the Basic Law. The proposals also enable the Government to co-ordinate district work more effectively, enhance efficacy of district governance and earnestly address people's concerns and difficulties in daily life, thereby increasing their sense of contentment and happiness, and leading the whole society to be more patriotic and fully support the administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government.

     The attending association representatives spoke enthusiastically and gave constructive views on strengthening the district governance structure. The two Directors of Bureaux said that the two associations are reliable working partners of the Government and hoped that they will continue to explain and promote the advantages of the proposals to the public through various means, so as to deepen different sectors of the community's understanding of the proposals and mobilise the whole society to work together to promote the reformation work of district governance.

     The District Councils (Amendment) Bill 2023 has been introduced into the Legislative Council (LegCo) for the First Reading and the Second Reading. The Government will proactively facilitate the scrutiny of the LegCo and solicit support for the early passage of the Bill from Members of the LegCo, so that the DC Ordinary Election can be held at the end of this year and the seventh-term DCs can assume office on January 1 next year as scheduled.


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