More goods and services help control inflation


The ever growing population of the UK means more to feed and clothe, more utilities needed, more to house and more needing school places and medical care. The UK needs to do more to promote extra capacity to meet these needs.

Instead tax and regulation is getting in the way of producing more. This decade we have lost 700,000 self employed when we need more to set up in business. The government should revert to IR 35 rules used prior to 2017. It should be easier to get started as self employed.

The Treasury should raise the VAT registration threshold from £85,000 to £250,000. Too many small businesses turn down business to avoid the need to register.

The government should remove the 31% hike to corporation tax. If it was really serious about more investment and getting the deficit down it would cut the rate to 15% to attract more large companies.

The government should lift the planned ban on making and selling new diesel and petrol cars in 2030. The ban is putting car companies off investing here.

DEFRA should stop offering grants to farmers to prevent them farming. The money for wilding should be switched to supporting growing food.

The Business Department should suspend the emissions trading and carbon tax system. This is imposing the highest taxes on UK steel, ceramics, glass and other intensive industries of the advanced world. It is leading to closures.

We need to foster enterprise and promote home production. That would bring prices under control.

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