Assessment Committee for the Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organisations convenes meeting (with photo)


     A meeting of the Assessment Committee for the Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organisations was convened this morning (August 30). 
     This was the first meeting chaired by the Under Secretary for Housing, Mr Victor Tai, after the reorganisation of the Government structure. The Assessment Committee noted that the transitional housing projects subsidised under the Funding Scheme are in good progress. As at August 2022, the Government has identified sufficient land for providing about 21 700 transitional housing units.
     The Assessment Committee also agreed at the meeting that the respective design schemes for the five transitional housing developments at (i) Yau Ma Hom Road, Kwai Chung; (ii) Choi Hing Road, Choi Hung; (iii) Tsat Sing Kong, Pat Heung and Kam Tin, Yuen Long; (iv) Area 1B2, Muk On Street, Kai Tak; and (v) Lok Wo Sha Lane, Ma On Shan, should be revised to provide more units. With the revised funding ceiling for each project and an additional 260 units, the five projects will provide a total of 2 415 transitional housing units.


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