Environmental improvements for Perth Road area #dundeewestend


Residents may recall that some months ago, Fraser took part in a walkabout around the Perth Road district shopping centre, the purpose of which was to look at possible environmental improvements that could be funded through the Town Centre Fund.

In terms of possible viable projects, three were identified – Pennycook Lane outside the police station, the Miller’s Wynd car park and area around the West End Community Fridge and the Sinderins “triangle.”

The council’s City Development Department has now created “concept drawings” for Miller’s Wynd and Pennycook Lane (Sinderins “triangle” to follow) and these are shown in the photos below.   These are initial ideas, not the final design.

Feedback from residents would be appreciated and the subject will be discussed at tonight’s West End Community Council meeting, taking place at 7pm in Logie & St John’s (Cross) Church Hall – Shaftesbury Terrace – all welcome.

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Environmental improvements for Perth Road area #dundeewestend


Residents may recall that some months ago, Fraser took part in a walkabout around the Perth Road district shopping centre, the purpose of which was to look at possible environmental improvements that could be funded through the Town Centre Fund.

In terms of possible viable projects, three were identified – Pennycook Lane outside the police station, the Miller’s Wynd car park and area around the West End Community Fridge and the Sinderins “triangle.”

The council’s City Development Department has now created “concept drawings” for Miller’s Wynd and Pennycook Lane (Sinderins “triangle” to follow) and these are shown in the photos below.   These are initial ideas, not the final design.

Feedback from residents would be appreciated and the subject will be discussed at tonight’s West End Community Council meeting, taking place at 7pm in Logie & St John’s (Cross) Church Hall – Shaftesbury Terrace – all welcome.

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