EPD launches public engagement on optimisation of EIAO process


     A spokesman for the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) said today (May 27) the department will solicit views from members of the public on the optimisation of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process stipulated under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), through two online public engagement forums and email.

     The Chief Executive announced in the 2021 Policy Address that the Government will conduct a comprehensive review on the EIA process stipulated under the EIAO. The EPD has briefed members of the Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs (Annex 1) and the Advisory Council on Environment (Annex 2, English only) respectively this March on how the EIAO process could be enhanced with a view to optimising its process, enhancing its operational efficiency and focusing more on environmental outcomes.
     The spokesman said the EPD will take on board the comments received in the review exercise.
     The two online public engagement forums will be held on:

  • June 8 (Wednesday) from 6.30pm to 8.30pm (conducted in English); and
  • June 13 (Monday) from 6.30pm to 8.30pm (conducted in Cantonese)

Members of the public who are interested in attending can register on or before June 2 via the link: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeft5lvCYmD5ngK4-MsJfa0HlgyJ4RlDjRjsrr3esCSaJIPaA/viewform?usp=pp_url.
        Public views and suggestions on the optimisation exercise can also be submitted on or before June 30 via email at eiao_review@epd.gov.hk.

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