Chief Executive-elect makes courtesy calls (with photos)


     The Chief Executive-elect, Mr John Lee, began courtesy calls this morning (May 9).

     Mr Lee first called on the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, at the Chief Executive's Office to discuss transitional arrangements between the two terms of the Government in the coming weeks, including the preparatory work related to the re-organisation of the Government structure, latest developments of the fight against the epidemic, as well as celebration activities for the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the Motherland.

     Mr Lee later called on the Chief Justice of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, Mr Justice Andrew Cheung Kui-nung, and the President of the Legislative Council, Mr Andrew Leung.

     At the courtesy call on Mr Justice Cheung, Mr Lee stressed that he would safeguard the rule of law and judicial independence steadfastly, and accommodate the resources needed by the Judiciary so as to enable the courts to perform their duty in accordance with the Basic Law.

     During his subsequent meeting with Mr Leung, the Chief Executive-elect said that under the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong", he would lead the new-term Government to enhance communication with the legislators for a positive and interactive relationship between the executive and the legislature, and enhance Hong Kong's governance capacity with concerted efforts.

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