Senior appointment in Police Force (with photo)


     Approval has been given for the appointment of the Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr Chow Yat-ming, as Deputy Commissioner of Police with effect from April 28, 2022, upon the retirement of Deputy Commissioner (Management), Mr Kwok Yam-shu.

     Brief biographical notes on Mr Chow Yat-ming are set out below:

     Mr Chow, aged 49, joined the Hong Kong Police Force in 1995 as an Inspector of Police. He devoted most of his career in criminal investigation and intelligence gathering work at divisional, district, regional and headquarters levels. In the process, he accumulated a wealth of experience in the field of criminal investigation, criminal intelligence and policy-making. He was promoted to Superintendent and served in the Crime Wing Headquarters in 2010. He was later seconded to Interpol General Secretariat in Lyon, France as a Criminal Intelligence Officer between 2012 and 2013.

     Mr Chow assumed the office of Criminal Intelligence Bureau as the deputy in command upon promotion to Senior Superintendent in 2013. He further advanced to Chief Superintendent and commanded the bureau in 2016.

     In 2017, Mr Chow served as the District Commander of Yau Tsim District and was subsequently appointed as the Deputy Regional Commander of Kowloon West Region in early 2019. He was promoted to the rank of Assistant Commissioner in February 2020 and took charge of the Operations Wing and later the Personnel Wing. In January 2021, he became the Director of Personnel and Training upon promotion to Senior Assistant Commissioner.  In August 2021, he took up the office of the Director of Crime and Security.   


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