March 2022 Transaction Data


News story

This data provides information about the number and types of applications that HM Land Registry completed in March 2022.

Image credit: NicoElNino/

Please note this data shows what HM Land Registry has been able to process during the time period covered and is not necessarily a reflection of market activity.

In March

  • HM Land Registry completed more than 2,125,500 applications to change or query the Land Register

  • the South East topped the table of regional applications with 490,963

HM Land Registry completed 2,125,508 applications in March compared with 1,870,826 in February and 2,081,283 last March 2021, of which:

  • 390,596 were applications for register updates compared with 352,901 in February

  • 1,141,724 were applications for an official copy of a register compared with 1,022,285 in February

  • 265,590 were search and hold queries (official searches) compared with 213,926 in February

  • 19,507 were postal applications from non-account holders compared with 17,463 in February

Applications by region and country

Region/country January applications February applications March applications
South East 417,879 440,118 490,963
Greater London 322,350 339,757 386,977
North West 199,888 216,620 244,964
South West 172,166 178,861 209,168
West Midlands 149,113 156,319 177,003
Yorkshire and the Humber 137,147 149,242 166,917
East Midlands 128,132 136,288 156,855
North 86,516 90,326 107,426
East Anglia 78,782 79,717 89,455
Isles of Scilly 50 42 100
Wales 79,621 83,412 95,565
England and Wales (not assigned) 50 124 115
Total 1,771,694 1,870,826 2,125,508

Top 5 local authority areas

March 2022 applications

Top 5 local authority areas March applications
Birmingham 29,962
City of Westminster 25,617
Leeds 24,294
Cornwall 22,554
Buckinghamshire 22,058

February 2022 applications

Top 5 local authority areas February applications
Birmingham 26,640
City of Westminster 24,482
Leeds 21,533
Cornwall 18,862
Buckinghamshire 18,808

Top 5 customers

March 2022 applications

Top 5 customers March applications
Infotrack Limited 151,371
Enact 65,731
O’Neill Patient 31,569
Optima Legal Services 31,077
TM Group (UK) Ltd (Search Choice) 28,064

February 2022 applications

Top 5 customers February applications
Infotrack Limited 121,736
Enact 48,172
O’Neill Patient 28,227
TM Group (UK) Ltd (Search Choice) 22,048
Land Technologies Ltd 21,750

Access the full dataset on our Use land and property data service.

Next publication

Transaction Data is published on the 15th working day of each month. The April data will be published at 11am on Monday 23 May 2022.

Published 25 April 2022

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