Rules set for new digital functional skills qualifications


News story

Ofqual confirms how it will regulate new entry level and level 1 digital qualifications.

Ofqual has confirmed today how it will regulate new qualifications designed to assess the core digital skills needed for life and work.

It follows a consultation on Ofqual’s proposals for the regulation of these Digital Functional Skills qualifications (FSQs), which are being introduced by the Department for Education (DfE). They will replace the existing functional skills qualifications in Information Computer Technology (FSQs in ICT).

The qualifications will be available for teaching from August 2023, at entry level 3 and level 1. Ofqual will work with awarding organisations to ensure a smooth introduction.

Following the consultation, Ofqual has decided to implement all the proposals, which were well supported. They include:

  • setting a minimum weighting of 70% of marks to be achieved through the assessment of practical digital skills

  • assessments must be designed so they are authentic and relevant to today’s workplace and everyday life

  • assessments will be delivered on-screen and online, but paper-based assessment materials will be permitted in exceptional circumstances

Full details can be found in our consultation decisions document, Regulating Digital Functional Skills qualifications, and our regulatory frameworks.

Published 31 March 2022

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