Holding centre at Tin Shui Wai Sports Centre comes into operation (with photos)


     The Social Welfare Department (SWD) has announced that the holding centre at Tin Shui Wai Sports Centre has come into operation today (March 23).
     To help public hospitals prioritise their manpower to handle those patients with more acute clinical needs, the centre will, upon referral by the Hospital Authority (HA), receive either elderly patients who have contracted COVID-19 but are showing mild symptoms or recovering frail elderly patients who are assessed by the HA as suitable for admission to the centre.
     With 130 beds, the holding centre at Tin Shui Wai Sports Centre provides basic meals and nursing support without charge. New Frontier Health Corporation has formed a care team to provide temporary care services at the centre, while the team of CUHK Medical Centre will provide medical support. The SWD expresses heartfelt gratitude for the full assistance they are rendering.
     The SWD earlier set up holding centres at Choi Wing Road Sports Centre, Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre and Harbour Road Sports Centre. Around 400 beds at the Kai Tak Holding Centre are now also in operation.

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