CE expresses sorrow over passing of Mr Willy Law Wai-cheung


     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, today (March 17) expressed deep sorrow over the passing of Mr Willy Law Wai-cheung, the Vice-chairman of the Executive Committee of the Direction Association for the Handicapped.

     "I first made the acquaintance of Willy when I, as the then Director of Social Welfare, worked with the Association led by him.  Back then, to better support persons with disabilities, the Government decided that the Social Welfare Department would subsidise self-help organisations set up by persons with disabilities to build their own self-help and mutual help networks. The Direction Association for the Handicapped was one of such self-help organisations founded. Despite his disabilities, Willy, whom I knew, had an extraordinary passion towards life and dedication to work. The welfare of persons with disabilities had all along been close to his heart. He was adept at encouraging fellows with his own experience of overcoming adversities and he was full of positive energy. He had been actively promoting life education over the years and, at my invitation, shared the story of his struggle with the heads of the government departments. He made significant contributions to the rehabilitation sector and commanded people's respect.

     "I am saddened by the passing of Willy. I would like to extend my deepest condolences to his family and friends, and every member of the Direction Association for the Handicapped," Mrs Lam said.

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