Holding centre at Harbour Road Sports Centre comes into operation today (with photo)


     The Social Welfare Department (SWD) announced that the holding centre at Harbour Road Sports Centre has come into operation today (March 16) to provide care services for elderly patients referred by the Hospital Authority (HA).

     To help public hospitals prioritise their manpower to handle high-risk or severe cases, the holding centre will, upon referral by the HA, receive either elderly patients who have contracted COVID-19 but are showing mild symptoms, or recovering elderly patients who are assessed by the HA as suitable for discharge.

     With around 130 beds, the holding centre at Harbour Road Sports Centre provides basic meals and nursing support without charge. The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon, has formed a care team to provide temporary care services at the centre at short notice, while the team of St Paul's Hospital will provide medical support. The SWD expresses heartfelt gratitude for the full assistance they render.

     The SWD earlier set up two holding centres at Choi Wing Road Sports Centre and Shek Kip Mei Park Sports Centre which came into operation on February 20 and March 1 respectively. The department is planning to set up more isolation and holding centres for the elderly at other suitable sports centres to provide proper care for elderly patients who have contracted the disease.


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