Railway transportation of goods from Mainland to Hong Kong to be launched


     With the facilitation and co-ordination of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government and the Mainland authorities in full force, as well as the active participation of the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL) and the trade, the first train carrying goods from the Mainland will arrive at Hong Kong tomorrow (March 2).
     The HKSAR Government's Task Force of Supplies from the Mainland has been working closely with the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government to explore various means to stabilise the supply of goods to Hong Kong. In addition to vigorously developing water transportation and improving land transport arrangements, railway transportation is being developed at full steam to enhance transport capacity. In particular, the HKSAR Government expresses gratitude to the China State Railway Group Co., Ltd and China Railway Guangzhou Group Company Limited for their active support and facilitation, which have facilitated the smooth preparation for the launch of the first train carrying goods from the Mainland to Hong Kong.
     In the past few days, the Transport and Housing Bureau, together with the MTRCL, the trade and relevant government departments, including the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, the Customs and Excise Department, the Immigration Department, the Department of Health, the Hong Kong Police Force, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, the Transport Department, the Highways Department, the Civil Engineering and Development Department and the Drainage Services Department have, in full swing, conducted studies and tests on using the MTR Lo Wu Marshalling Yard as a railway freight yard. As arranged with the Mainland authorities, an empty train arrived at Hong Kong this afternoon (March 1) for trial.The operation went smoothly. 
     With the launch of the cross-boundary railway cargo transportation tomorrow, the operation of goods supply from the Mainland to Hong Kong can be further strengthened. The first train will carry nine freight wagons, transporting anti-epidemic supplies.

     Apart from rail cargo transport, the HKSAR Government is also working with the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government to accelerate the establishment of centralised cargo transfer points for non-fresh food items and other goods in Hong Kong. The HKSAR Government plans to use the air cargo facilities of Hong Kong International Airport, the Kwai Chung Container Terminals and the Tuen Mun River Trade Terminal as temporary cargo transfer yards in the first phase, with the Mainland goods vehicle trial operation to test the routes already conducted today smoothly. It is expected that the temporary transfer yards concerned will start operation within this week.

     Besides, the trial operation conducted today also covers the two temporary transfer yards to be used in the second phase.  These two transfer yards are near the Lok Ma Chau crossing, with the sites concerned lent by a private developer to the HKSAR Government.
     The HKSAR Government will continue to facilitate and implement various measures with the Mainland authorities to ensure a stable goods supply to Hong Kong as well as to optimise the operation of cross-boundary transportation of supplies.

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