SED encourages students to receive COVID-19 vaccination (with photos)


     The Secretary for Education, Mr Kevin Yeung, visited Shau Kei Wan Government Primary School (SKWGPS) today (February 25) to inspect the implementation of the Vaccination Subsidy Scheme (VSS) School Outreach.

     Being the first government primary school to serve as a hub school under the VSS School Outreach to forge a partnership between the primary schools and kindergartens (KGs), SKWGPS arranged vaccination service today for its students, totalling around 170, as well as 90 others from three KGs in the same district. There were also around 20 parents and staff members from the four schools who received vaccination on the campus.

     Mr Yeung said that the Education Bureau (EDB), as the school sponsoring body of government schools, hoped government schools can serve as an example to encourage schools to help students of other schools, especially KGs with a relatively small number of students, to get vaccinated through collaboration under the VSS School Outreach. This can also relieve the burden on medical professionals who usually have to provide services in different places.

     He added, "The EDB has recently contacted some school sponsoring bodies, schools and related organisations to promote this and provide support. I understand that more collaborations of this kind to help students receive vaccination are in the pipeline. These include various operations initiated by civic organisations which join forces with the Government to mobilise all available manpower and resources to fight against the epidemic.

     "I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all stakeholders, and my gratitude to the medical staff for providing the service for the students. I call on parents and students to seize the opportunity to get vaccinated. Though face-to-face classes are still suspended in schools, everyone should get vaccinated as soon as possible to safeguard health and life amid the severe epidemic situation in the community."

     Schools may contact on their own, or through the EDB, doctors providing on-site vaccination of Sinovac for arranging services. In addition, the Government will continue to provide schools with appointment service for vaccination and transportation between vaccination centres and schools. COVID-19 Mobile Vaccination Stations also provide outreach vaccination services at schools.

     Apart from arrangements through schools, parents and guardians can also make bookings on their own for their children/wards to receive COVID-19 vaccines at vaccination centres or private doctors/clinics.

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