The Government appeals for the public in Discovery Bay to undergo testing


     The Government said today (January 28) that in order to fight the coronavirus epidemic, the Environmental Protection Department and the Drainage Services Department in collaboration with the cross-disciplinary team of the University of Hong Kong had strengthened the sampling of sewage for virus testing in all districts, and had recently detected positive results in Discovery Bay, indicating that there may be hidden cases in the district. Therefore, the Home Affairs Department (including Islands District Office) will distribute COVID-19 rapid test kits to residents in Discovery Bay from tomorrow for them to take the test on their own, so as to help identify the hidden cases and stop the spread of the virus in the district.

     Residents may call the hotline at 3700 8888 for enquiries relating to the use of the rapid test kits. Should positive test results is shown on the test kit, user should seek medical attention at the Accident and Emergency Departments promptly, so that appropriate diagnosis and treatment can be given at the earliest possible time. Residents should stay home as far as possible and avoid going out apart from seeking medical consultation in order to prevent the virus from spreading in the community. The spokesman stressed that rapid test kit testing is not a substitute for the compulsory testing requirement. Individuals who are in doubt about their own health condition, have visited places with epidemic outbreaks or have been in contact with infected persons tested positive, etc, should undergo a COVID-19 nucleic acid test promptly. 

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