Call for Bids: China Network’s Regulatory Diplomacy programme – Second Funding Round


World news story

The British Embassy in Beijing is pleased to open a second call for bids to the China Network’s Regulatory Diplomacy programme, for projects running between 1 January 2022 – 31 March 2022.

All projects should focus on regulatory issues related to the competitive environment in mainland China and Hong Kong. Issues on which we welcome bids include – but are not limited to – the below:

  • State Owned Enterprises (SOEs);
  • Public procurement;
  • Competitive neutrality

Selection criteria

Bids will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Project design: Feasibility of activities and outputs including the capacity of implementing organisation to deliver outcomes
  • Impact: Supporting UK regulatory diplomacy interests related to mainland China and Hong Kong
  • Viability and risks: Clear engagement/buy-in of key stakeholders. Robust analysis of key risks, and a plan of action to manage and mitigate those risks
  • Value for money: Comparable and reasonable costs against the number of direct beneficiaries and the scale of achievable outcomes

We draw your attention to the below key points:

  • Proposals should be between £10,000 – £40,000 (105,000RMB – 420,000RMB).
  • The entire project must begin and complete in the period 1 January 2022 and 31 March 2022. 
  • All funding must be activity-based (i.e. not for general staff costs, office rental etc.). 


  • Project proposals must be received by 23:59 (GMT) on Friday 21 January. Late proposals will not be considered.  
  • Proposals must be submitted using the attached forms only (Project Proposal Form and Activity Based Budget), which must be completed in English.  
  • Proposals must be submitted to:


PrOF Template Project Proposal Form above £10k

PrOF Template Activity Based Budget


Project Proposal Form – Guidance

ABB Form – Guidance

Published 13 January 2022

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