EPD awards contract for Stage 2 of Reverse Vending Machine Pilot Scheme for collection of plastic beverage containers


     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) announced today (December 24) that the contract for Stage 2 of the Reverse Vending Machines (RVM) Pilot Scheme has been awarded, through open tender, to A.S. Watson Group (HK) Limited (the contractor) to further enhance the RVM service.

     To test out the application of RVMs for collecting plastic beverage containers in Hong Kong to pave the way for the future Producer Responsibility Scheme on Plastic Beverage Containers, the EPD rolled out a one-year, Stage 1 RVM Pilot Scheme in the first quarter of 2021 for installing 60 RVMs in phases with provision for an instant rebate via an e-payment platform to encourage the public to return used plastic beverage containers for recycling. As at mid-December, more than 15 million plastic beverage containers have been received under the first stage of the pilot scheme.
     An EPD spokesman said, "Stage 2 of the Pilot Scheme will be launched in phases in the second quarter of 2022. By then, the number of RVMs will be increased to 120, allowing members of the public to get more hands-on experience in the operation of RVMs and participate in recycling of plastic beverage containers. The plastic beverage containers collected under the pilot scheme will be delivered to suitable local recyclers for proper recycling."
     The spokesman added, "Under the contract, the contractor is required to provide ambassador service to promote the scheme and assist the public in using the RVMs properly. The contractor is also required to set up a dedicated website and a hotline for the public to check the locations and real-time operation status of the RVMs, and make enquiries about issues relating to the pilot scheme."

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