Communications Authority press release


The following is issued on behalf of the Communications Authority:
     This press release summarises the decisions of the Communications Authority (CA) following its 112th meeting held in November 2021.
Amendments of network and service rollout obligations for spectrum assigned in the 26 GHz and 28 GHz bands (26/28 GHz bands) for provision of large-scale public mobile services
     The CA, having considered the requests jointly submitted by the three spectrum assignees in the 26/28 GHz bands for the provision of large-scale public mobile services, namely China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited, Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited and SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited (Spectrum Assignees), decided to amend the network and service rollout obligations imposed on them by postponing each of the three network and service rollout milestones by two years from 2022-24 to 2024-26. After the amendments, the Spectrum Assignees will be required to install and put into use 20 per cent of the minimum number of radio units (i.e. 500 radio units) by April 24, 2024, an addition of 30 per cent (i.e. 750 radio units) by April 24, 2025, and an addition of the remaining 50 per cent (i.e. 1 250 radio units) by April 24, 2026. Thus the periods of the relevant performance bonds for guaranteeing compliance with the network and service rollout obligations will be amended accordingly.
     The amendments are made in response to the requests raised by the Spectrum Assignees due to the later-than-expected availability of the relevant network equipment and handsets supporting the 26/28 GHz bands. Notwithstanding the postponement of the milestones, the total minimum number of 2 500 radio units required to be installed and put into use within the specified period following spectrum assignment remains unchanged. 
     Following the last round of administrative assignment in April 2019, there is 2 500 MHz of non-shared spectrum unassigned in the 26/28 GHz bands. In view of the latest availability of network equipment and handsets supporting the 26/28 GHz bands for the provision of public mobile services, the CA will continue to take heed of any indication of interest from the industry with a view to determining the appropriate time for launching a new round of invitation for application for the remaining spectrum.
CA approves termination of the non-domestic television programme service licence of Disney Networks Group Asia Pacific Limited (Disney)
     The CA approved the application by Disney for termination of its non-domestic television programme service licence with effect from December 15, 2021. The CA noted that it was a commercial decision of the licensee to surrender the licence.
     Following the termination of Disney's licence, there will be nine non-domestic television programme service licensees in Hong Kong providing around 200 satellite television programme channels for the Asia-Pacific region.

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