Concrete supplier fined after tyre explosion fatality


A concrete supplier has been fined after an agency worker contracted to work at its site suffered fatal injuries following a tyre explosion.

Dudley Magistrates’ Court heard how the contractor suffered fatal injuries when using an air hose/compressed air to inflate the tyre of an articulated wheel loader.

An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) into the incident, on 28 March 2019, found that the company failed to have in place a safe system of work for inflation of the multi-piece split rim assembly wheels on the articulated wheel loader.  The compressed air system had not been subject to regular and thorough examination and testing by a competent person.

Anytime Concrete (GB) Ltd of Kelvin Way, West Bromwich, pleaded guilty to breaching Section 3 (1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.  The company has been fined £6,666.00 and ordered to pay costs of £4,522.40.

Speaking after the hearing, HSE inspector Karen Sweeney said: “This tragic incident led to the death of a worker.  This could easily have been prevented if the company had acted to identify and manage the risks involved, and to put a safe system of work in place.”

Notes to Editors:

  1. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is Britain’s national regulator for workplace health and safety. We prevent work-related death, injury and ill health through regulatory actions that range from influencing behaviours across whole industry sectors through to targeted interventions on individual businesses. These activities are supported by globally recognised scientific expertise.
  2. More about the legislation referred to in this case can be found at:
  3. HSE news releases are available at
  4. Further information about health and safety in motor vehicle repair and during tyre inflation can be found at:

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