Arrangements for Election Committee Subsector Ordinary Elections


     The 2021 Election Committee (EC) Subsector Ordinary Elections were concluded yesterday (September 19). In the elections, about 4 380 voters casted their votes and elected 364 EC members. The turnout was overwhelming with a rate of nearly 90 per cent. This was also the first elections held after improving Hong Kong's electoral system and full implementation of the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong". The success of the elections is of great significance to Hong Kong and all members of the public, and has laid down a solid foundation for the two upcoming important elections, the Legislative Council General Election in December this year and the Chief Executive Election in March 2022.

     A spokesman for the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau (CMAB) said, "The overall arrangements yesterday conformed to the principles of openness, fairness, honesty and safety. A number of new enhancement measures, including the Electronic Poll Register system and special queue arrangements, were launched successfully. However, there is room for improvement in some arrangements, such as the number of counters for issuing ballot papers and the counting arrangements, causing some voters to queue up for an unduly long time during the peak hours. The time taken in counting votes was also beyond public's reasonable expectation."

     The spokesman said that the CMAB would follow up with the Electoral Affairs Commission and the Registration and Electoral Office of the situation solemnly, and take stock of the experience proactively and seriously to make improvements, with a view to ensuring that the two upcoming important elections could be held successfully. The Government would enhance the efficiency, accuracy and security of the elections and spare no efforts in facilitating electors.

     The spokesman emphasised that improving the electoral system with the implementation of the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong" is of crucial importance in putting "One Country, Two Systems" back on the right track and ensuring its steadfast and successful implementation, as well as achieving good governance and maintaining the long term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. The spokesman appealed to every member of the public to fully support the two upcoming important elections.

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