Civil Service College Logo Design Competition comes up with winning entry as college logo (with photos)


     The Civil Service College Logo Design Competition concluded successfully with an award presentation ceremony held at Central Government Offices today (August 26). The Gold Award entry will be adopted as the logo of the Civil Service College.
     The Gold Award entry, entitled "Staircase", symbolises the commitment of the civil service to growing as a learning and professional team through continuous learning and ongoing enhancement, and striving for excellence in the delivery of public service.
     The Chairman of the Civil Service Training Advisory Board, Dr Victor Fung; the Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip; and the Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, presented the awards to the winners.
     A spokesman for the Civil Service Bureau said that the competition aimed at encouraging all serving colleagues and retired civil servants to show their creativity in designing a logo for the Civil Service College and join the efforts of promoting the objective of the College as an institution dedicated to civil service training.
     The competition received an enthusiastic response, with over 600 entries from participants of more than 60 bureaux/departments. The judging panel was chaired by Dr Fung. Members included government officials and representatives from professional bodies. Entries winning the Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards and three Meritorious Awards were selected after two rounds of adjudication. 
     The Civil Service College is expected to be established by the end of this year. The Civil Service Bureau is upgrading the existing facilities of the Civil Service Training and Development Institute at the North Point Government Offices, so as to enable the premises to be used as the College's interim accommodation upon its establishment. At the same time, the Government is pressing ahead with the Kwun Tong Composite Development Project, which will provide, among others, the long-term accommodation for the Civil Service College. The Government plans to seek funding approval from the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council for the capital works of the project within the current legislative session.

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