Outreach COVID-19 vaccination service team goes into shopping mall (with photos)


     The Government's outreach vaccination team provided a vaccination service to tenants of a shopping mall and office complex at a temporary vaccination area set up in a large shopping mall in Kwun Tong today (August 5). The team also provided a walk-in service to let some members of the public receive the BioNTech vaccine without prior booking.

     The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip, and Executive Director of Sun Hung Kai Properties Mr Christopher Kwok jointly viewed the administering of the vaccine to members of the public and tenants there. They also presented prizes to winners of a lucky draw organised by the company to encourage the public to receive COVID-19 vaccination.

     Mr Nip said, "I am grateful to the shopping mall for providing a venue, which enabled the provision of the COVID-19 vaccination service today, and for joining hands with the Government in promoting the 'Early Vaccination for All' campaign to help build an immune barrier in Hong Kong as soon as possible by significantly raising the vaccination rate.

     "This is the first time that our outreach service team has provided a COVID-19 vaccination walk-in service at a shopping mall to allow some persons who wanted to get vaccinated to do so immediately without prior booking. With the disbursement of the consumption vouchers, some may use their vouchers at shopping centres. I hope that while they go shopping, they can also realise the importance and urgency of getting vaccinated."

     Nearly 300 persons including tenants of the shopping mall and office complex received the BioNTech vaccine at the vaccination area today. 

     There has been enthusiastic support for the outreach vaccination service since it was launched by the Civil Service Bureau. The bureau has provided the outreach vaccination service to the Hong Kong Sports Institute, global professional services enterprises, property developers, financial institutions, a television broadcaster, the construction industry, public utilities, a property management company, universities, a theme park, insurance enterprises and a district organisation.

     Mr Nip expressed his gratitude to the medical team and administrative support staff of the Community Vaccination Centre at Tseung Kwan O Sports Centre for providing the outreach service today.

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